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eMotion LV1 Tutorial 6.1: Extras – Configuring Mackie Control Devices

Feb 27, 2017 | 6,689 Views

Learn how to set up and assign external controllers using (MCU), Mackie Control protocol to manage functions of the eMotion LV1 live mixing console.

You can use the eMotion LV1 with an external controller that uses Mackie Control protocol. This lesson will teach you how to set it up. In the next lesson, you’ll see how to use it.

Control protocols are assigned and removed in the Controls rack of the System Inventory page.

Choose the Mackie protocol from the drop-down menu.

Click on the Gear button: to open the Mackie control panel.

This panel controls one or two devices. By default, Device 1 controls channels 1–8 and device 2, channels 9–16.

Select a Mackie protocol Input and Output for each device.

The ‘Faders’ drop-down menu establishes the relationship between the controller and the two Mixer windows.

There are three control surface modes that set the rules of layer selection.

In the ‘Follow Software Mixer1 Window’ mode, the controller is mapped to the layer that the Mixer1 window is addressing. There’s a direct link between the remote and the LV1. A channel strip changes mapping when a layer changes. The names of the channels in the selected mixer 1 layer are displayed on the controller channel tech strips.

In this mode, the Mixer2 window is independent of the controller.

The ‘Follow Software Mixer2 Window’ mode is identical to Follow Software Mixer1 Window; except that the roles of Mixer1 and Mixer2 are reversed. The controller is synced with Mixer2 and is independent of Mixer1.

In the ‘Stand Alone’ mode, there’s no correlation between the layer selected by the controller and the layer selected on screen, in the Mixer window. In this mode, you can access layers and control faders from either location.

When the mixer is in the Sends on Faders mode, the channel faders control the aux sends.

Select ‘Follow Aux-Sends Flip’ to control the sends from the controller’s faders.

In this mode, the eMotion LV1 master fader controls the output of the selected aux channel. ‘Follow Aux-Master Flip’ maps this function to the controller’s master fader. Learn more about Sends on Faders in Lesson 4.9.

The controller’s Master Fader can be mapped to the mixer’s master fader; or to any channel, buss, or link. Use the Master 1 drop-down menu to assign it.

‘Mute Groups to Function Select 1–8’. This maps the mixer’s mute group recall buttons to the controller’s eight function buttons.

The mixer has eight user-assignable keys that can trigger many mixer actions. These actions are assigned in the U/I Settings page.

User Assignable Keys (to Global View Controls) can be mapped to the controller’s ‘Global View’ buttons for quick access.

When ‘Jog Wheel Adjusts Selected Controls’ in on, any selected control in the mixer is automatically mapped to the controller’s Jog Wheel.

There are tablet applications that emulate controllers using Mackie Control protocol. These can be configured to work with eMotion LV1 over WiFi or USB. Refer to the application’s user guide to learn how to create a virtual MIDI device that will be available in the MIDI device menu.

In this lesson, you learned how to configure a Mackie Control Protocol device to control mixer functions.

Next, you’ll learn how to use the protocol to control the mixer externally.

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