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eMotion LV1 Tutorial 2.2: Using The Patch Window

Mar 01, 2017 | 5,633 Views

Learn how to route patch configurations between I/Os, channels, auxes, groups, matrixes and effects in your eMotion LV1 live mixer system.

In the previous video we learned how the Patch window uses filters to create specific patching grids, based on the type of patch needed. I/Os, channels, and channel information are displayed, or hidden, according to the purpose of the patch.

In this video we’ll show you how to take advantage of the flexible routing possibilities for your channels, auxes, groups, matrixes, effects, and I/Os, in order to keep your digital signal path tidy and untangled.

A patch is created at the intersection of horizontal and vertical grid lines:

  • Click on a patch point to make a single patch.
  • Drag vertically (pause), horizontally (pause), or diagonally to create several patches.
  • Click again to remove the patch. Use the Delete button to clear all patches on the current grid.
  • A valid patch is Turquoise.
  • A Red patch indicates that the device is not available.

When you attempt a patch that involves an I/O channel, you’ll receive a warning prompt asking if you really want to make this change. Turn off this prompt by deselecting “Show Patch Warnings”, which is in the Troubleshooting section of the Mixer Settings page.

The Input Patch View is used to patch between a SoundGrid I/O and mixer input channels. You can also patch from driver channels. This is the only patch view where signal flow is from top to left.

The mixer has two identical mixer inputs. Select an input before you begin to patch the mixer.

An I/O device channel can be patched to more than one mixer input channel.

A stereo channel appears as two independent channels; L & R, each with the same name. The two sides are patched separately, whether from a single stereo I/O channel, or from two different mono channels.

A mixer channel or mix buss out can be patched to any available hardware or software I/O that’s been assigned to the mixer. The Output view has two grid filters: Channel Direct outs and Mix Busses out.

Mixer outputs are displayed on the left. I/O device channels along the top. Whether a channel is mono or stereo is shown on its strip.

Each channel or buss can patch from one of four sources, indicated by the multi-colored buttons. To select the source, click on its button. Sources are color-coded:

INPGreenBefore all processing, after input gain
PREPurplePre-fader, after processing
PSTOrangePost-fader, after processing
PSPBluePost-fader, after processing, after panner

Source settings apply to both sides of stereo channels. All affected patches and connected I/Os will use the same source.

The Internal Routing view patches channels and busses within the mixer. Patch from:

  • Input channels
  • Groups
  • Effects and Monitor Aux channels
  • Main outs
  • Matrix

These can be patched to:

  • Groups
  • Main outs
  • Matrix

You can also use the Internal Routing view to assign channels to Links and Mute Groups.

Depending on a source’s position in the signal flow, some of these patches are not possible. This is indicated by a blacked-out grid area.

All channels and busses can be assigned to Links and Mute Groups.

The Device-to-Device patch view is a network patch bay. It enables all devices assigned to the mixer to patch between each other.

A device can patch to another device, but not to itself. When you’re patching from a device, you may want to collapse the input channels of that device in order to avoid confusion.

Delay groups are collections of I/O device channels, whose delay can be controlled as a unit. These are not audio busses, but rather, controls.

The mixer’s 16 delay groups are listed on the left side of the patch grid, along with their user-defined delays. Delay groups are also established in the Output section of the Channel window.

You now know how to patch between I/Os and the mixer, within the mixer, and among the devices that are assigned to the mixer. Remember, everything that you can patch in this window can also be patched somewhere else in the mixer. Where to patch depends on the details of the project, the specific kind of patch, and a good deal of personal preference.

In the next video you’ll be introduced to the Channel Window. which gives you comprehensive control of each individual channel. After that, we’ll cover each section of the Channel Window in detail.

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