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eMotion LV1 Tutorial 0.3: Introduction – Top Bar

Mar 01, 2017 | 14,827 Views

Learn essential navigation tools, managing sessions and scenes, and monitoring mixer status in the top bar of the eMotion LV1 live mixing console.

In the last lesson, you set up your eMotion LV1 hardware and software. Now it’s time to get to know some of the mixer’s essential menus and navigation tools. Many of these are found in the Top Bar, which is visible in all mixer windows.

The Name box displays the name of the selected channel. This is the channel you’re controlling in the Channel window. In the Mixer window, the selected channel is highlighted. Notice that the channel name in the Top Bar changes when you select a different channel.

These arrows move the channel selection higher or lower, one channel at a time.

The down arrow opens a drop-down menu that’s used to directly access and select any channel.

The background color of the Name box reflects the channel type color code.

Navigate between the six mixer windows using the Windows Selection Tabs. Use the Setup window to assign I/O devices, servers, and controllers to the mixer, and to set mixer Preferences.

The Patch window is used to connect between the mixer and I/Os, within the mixer and between devices, and to define delay groups.The two Mixer windows are identical multi-mode, multi-layer mixing interfaces.

The Channel window provides a detailed view of the selected channel. A channel’s inputs and outputs, aux sends, and plugin processing can be controlled here in one view.

The Show window is used for managing sessions and scenes, and for establishing recall safe rules.

The Preset menu has two functions:

  • The top part manages channel presets. Use it to store, load, copy, save, and import presets from the current session, or from another session.

Learn more about these menu functions in lesson 3.2, The Preset Menu.

  • The bottom part is about sessions and scenes: Save and load sessions, update scenes, and export presets. Channel recall safe is also set here.

Use the Scenes menu to store and recall scenes within the current session. The active scene is displayed in this box.

Learn more about sessions and scenes in lessons 5.1 to 5.3, The Show Window.

The Clear Solo button clears all activated solos and cues. Click on the Gear button to configure the Cue buss.

Talk activates talkback. Click on the gear to configure Talkback settings.

The DSP meter shows the status of the SoundGrid server and tells you about DSP use. DSP management is discussed in lesson 1.5, Mixer Settings.

The Messages box shows text messages from the system, such as a sample rate mismatch, a change in network status, a buffer overload, and so forth.

The Clock window shows the current time from the host computer’s clock. When MIDI control is used, this box can display MIDI time code.

The Lock button locks and unlocks I/O routing, plugin racks, and even the entire mixer surface. This lets you set up the mixer any way you like, and then lock its structure for the show. Lock options are set in the Mixer Settings page.

Full screen mode fits the mixer window to full-screen view. Click again to return to normal view. Click on the Waves logo to open the eMotion LV1 user guide and Quick Start guide. It also shows you the software version that you’re using.

In this video, you’ve gotten to know the Top Bar, a very important tool for navigating through the mixer, managing sessions and scenes, and monitoring mixer status.

In the next chapter, you’ll learn how to use the Setup window to configure the network, assign I/Os and servers, manage sample rate and set preferences.

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